Liquor Bags


Wainwright & Area

Information. Mentorship. Prevention. Action. Community. Team.

The importance of sober driving

A partnership with the annual liquor campaign.

Liquor bag

For many years SADD and AGLC have partnered on the annual liquor bag campaign. School students are invited to create messages on these paper liquor bags about the importance of sober driving.


This year students at the Blessed Sacrament School created these bags that were divided among liquor stores in Wainwright. The employees look forward to handing these out every year and believe in the message.

Arrive safely

So if you receive one of these bags take time to look at the work and read the message so that we can all arrive home safely.

A few facts

At IMPACT, we want to make sure everyone arrives home safely.

When you drink and then drive, alcohol affects your judgment, reaction time and perception.

Over 5 years, over 8,600 people were convicted of impaired driving in Alberta each year.

Every day, 4 Canadians are killed and 175 are injured in impairment-related crashes.

Help build our community.

Community support

Check out these images of the liquor bags being handed out to our community liquor stores.

We're in this together.